A list of the most edited Wikipedia articles and discussions from the last week.

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Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.


This week, 5,444 authors made 41,318 changes to 20,738 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

  1. 누가 뭐래도 (446 changes by 60 authors)
  2. 미페프리스톤 (188 changes by 36 authors)
  3. 2020년 태풍 (174 changes by 22 authors)
  4. 한 번 다녀왔습니다 (133 changes by 45 authors)
  5. 워마드 (92 changes by 2 authors)
  6. 예루살렘 공방전 (70년) (79 changes by 4 authors)
  7. 인생존망 (75 changes by 11 authors)
  8. SBS TV (63 changes by 7 authors)
  9. KBS 2TV (61 changes by 12 authors)
  10. 닌텐도 스위치 게임 목록 (61 changes by 2 authors)
  11. 이범진 (1852년) (61 changes by 3 authors)
  12. 마야로 만든 작품 목록 (60 changes by 9 authors)
  13. 기막힌 유산 (59 changes by 14 authors)
  14. KBS 1TV (59 changes by 12 authors)
  15. 마우스 (드라마) (56 changes by 5 authors)
  16. 이경하 (조선) (55 changes by 1 authors)
  17. 레판토 해전 (1571년) (53 changes by 1 authors)
  18. 보이스트롯 (52 changes by 9 authors)
  19. 김정일 (51 changes by 16 authors)
  20. 전원일기 (51 changes by 6 authors)

New Articles

The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week

  1. 예루살렘 공방전 (70년) (79 changes by 4 authors)
  2. 닌텐도 스위치 게임 목록 (61 changes by 2 authors)
  3. 2020년 베이루트 폭발 사고 (50 changes by 10 authors)
  4. 창원경륜공단 (방송사) (50 changes by 7 authors)
  5. 피아노 소나타 (46 changes by 2 authors)
  6. 강도감소계수 (43 changes by 4 authors)
  7. 황제처럼 (33 changes by 6 authors)
  8. 퉁화 제일중고등학교 (33 changes by 3 authors)
  9. 김태진 (수필가) (27 changes by 3 authors)
  10. 응력분포 (26 changes by 2 authors)


The most active discussions:

  1. 스페인의 광역자치주
  2. 한국속국론
  3. KDI 중앙도서실
  4. 항복 (공학)
  5. 강도감소계수


A few numbers from last week:


This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.

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