A list of the most edited Wikipedia articles and discussions from the last week.

Delivered every Friday by email.

Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.


This week, 11,522 authors made 94,608 changes to 52,848 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

  1. Corbetta (168 changes by 1 authors)
  2. Canis lupus (164 changes by 3 authors)
  3. BT Tower (105 changes by 3 authors)
  4. Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth (98 changes by 2 authors)
  5. Serie C 2018-2019 (87 changes by 5 authors)
  6. Grande Fratello VIP (terza edizione) (84 changes by 12 authors)
  7. Amici (diciottesima edizione, fase iniziale) (81 changes by 5 authors)
  8. Serie A 2018-2019 (80 changes by 8 authors)
  9. Jagatjit Singh (80 changes by 1 authors)
  10. Cosimo Cannito (72 changes by 1 authors)
  11. Lele Melotti (72 changes by 1 authors)
  12. Episodi di Miraculous - Le storie di Ladybug e Chat Noir (terza stagione) (71 changes by 6 authors)
  13. Guerra civile dello Yemen (2015) (69 changes by 3 authors)
  14. Targhe d'immatricolazione italiane (68 changes by 4 authors)
  15. Targhe d'immatricolazione kosovare (68 changes by 2 authors)
  16. Targhe d'immatricolazione britanniche (67 changes by 2 authors)
  17. Serie B 2018-2019 (66 changes by 3 authors)
  18. Episodi di Miraculous - Le storie di Ladybug e Chat Noir (seconda stagione) (62 changes by 11 authors)
  19. Daniele Guglielmo Gatti (61 changes by 3 authors)
  20. Valle Olona (58 changes by 1 authors)

New Articles

The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week

  1. Episodi di Miraculous - Le storie di Ladybug e Chat Noir (terza stagione) (71 changes by 6 authors)
  2. The Luck of the Irish (brano musicale) (49 changes by 2 authors)
  3. Parrocchie della diocesi di Cremona (46 changes by 4 authors)
  4. Ulisse e Diomede nella tenda di Reso (40 changes by 2 authors)
  5. Sportclub Heerenveen 2016-2017 (33 changes by 1 authors)
  6. Enric Siò (30 changes by 2 authors)
  7. Carta araba dei diritti dell'uomo (30 changes by 1 authors)
  8. Le canzoni di Anna Magnani (29 changes by 3 authors)
  9. Festival di Sanremo 2019 (29 changes by 5 authors)
  10. Carterocephalus palaemon (27 changes by 3 authors)


The most active discussions:

  1. Progetto di ferrovia Torino-Lione
  2. Strage di Planina Golobar
  3. Roberto Burioni
  4. Roberto Battiston
  5. Fuga di Vittorio Emanuele III


A few numbers from last week:


This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.

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