A list of the most edited Wikipedia articles and discussions from the last week.

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Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.


This week, 11,500 authors made 94,950 changes to 42,760 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

  1. Episodi di Miraculous - Le storie di Ladybug e Chat Noir (seconda stagione) (277 changes by 11 authors)
  2. Elezioni amministrative italiane del 2018 (225 changes by 14 authors)
  3. Amici (diciassettesima edizione, fase serale) (140 changes by 8 authors)
  4. Nikolay Tsiskaridze (112 changes by 8 authors)
  5. Governo Conte (108 changes by 26 authors)
  6. Storia di Milano (108 changes by 2 authors)
  7. Julen Lopetegui (101 changes by 24 authors)
  8. Ponte di Tacoma (91 changes by 4 authors)
  9. Paul Panzer (72 changes by 1 authors)
  10. The Showgirl Homecoming Tour (72 changes by 4 authors)
  11. Irama (71 changes by 13 authors)
  12. Rafael Nadal (70 changes by 14 authors)
  13. Angeli (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (68 changes by 4 authors)
  14. Storia di Riva del Garda (66 changes by 2 authors)
  15. Anthony Bourdain (65 changes by 10 authors)
  16. Assassin's Creed (serie) (64 changes by 3 authors)
  17. Campionati europei di canoa/kayak sprint 2018 (63 changes by 2 authors)
  18. Miraculous - Le storie di Ladybug e Chat Noir (63 changes by 4 authors)
  19. Jurassic World - Il regno distrutto (62 changes by 13 authors)
  20. Ora o mai più (programma televisivo) (58 changes by 7 authors)

New Articles

The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week

  1. Nik'oloz Tsisk'aridze (112 changes by 8 authors)
  2. The Showgirl Homecoming Tour (72 changes by 4 authors)
  3. Ora o mai più (programma televisivo) (58 changes by 7 authors)
  4. Massachusetts nella guerra di secessione americana (55 changes by 5 authors)
  5. CP System (50 changes by 3 authors)
  6. Campionati europei di pugilato dilettanti femminili 2018 (49 changes by 2 authors)
  7. When We Were Very Young (49 changes by 4 authors)
  8. UEFA Europa League 2018-2019 (qualificazioni) (44 changes by 3 authors)
  9. Diamanti (singolo) (43 changes by 3 authors)
  10. Amicizia (filosofia) (41 changes by 2 authors)


The most active discussions:

  1. Chelsea Manning
  2. Massandra
  3. Gualtiero Cannarsi
  4. Irredentismo
  5. Pasta campana


A few numbers from last week:


This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.

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