Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.
This week, 575 authors made 3,301 changes to 1,847 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:
- 2018. aasta ujumise Euroopa meistrivõistlused (35 changes by 1 authors)
- Ujumine 1968. aasta suveolümpiamängudel (32 changes by 1 authors)
- Hans Arp (30 changes by 2 authors)
- Rahvusvahelised siseauditeerimise kutsetegevuse standardid (27 changes by 3 authors)
- In memoriam 2019 (26 changes by 5 authors)
- Schönbergi piiskopilinnus (26 changes by 3 authors)
- Sakalauskase juhtum (26 changes by 7 authors)
- Eesti otsib superstaari (25 changes by 5 authors)
- Ujumine 1976. aasta suveolümpiamängudel (25 changes by 1 authors)
- Venemaa Kommunistliku (bolševike) Partei 13. kongress (24 changes by 1 authors)
- November 2019 (20 changes by 1 authors)
- Sportlaste loend (19 changes by 1 authors)
- Lätlased (17 changes by 5 authors)
- Matti Masing (17 changes by 1 authors)
- Hispaania (16 changes by 8 authors)
- Tooma kirik (Leipzig) (15 changes by 1 authors)
- Walter Crane (14 changes by 2 authors)
- Sade Adu (13 changes by 4 authors)
- Strontsiumkollane (12 changes by 1 authors)
- Poliitiline korruptsioon (12 changes by 1 authors)
New Articles
The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week
- Rahvusvahelised siseauditeerimise kutsetegevuse standardid (27 changes by 3 authors)
- Schönbergi piiskopilinnus (26 changes by 3 authors)
- Venemaa Kommunistliku (bolševike) Partei 13. kongress (24 changes by 1 authors)
- Tooma kirik (Leipzig) (15 changes by 1 authors)
- Walter Crane (14 changes by 2 authors)
- Strontsiumkromaat (12 changes by 1 authors)
- Poliitiline korruptsioon (12 changes by 1 authors)
- Crowdestate (11 changes by 5 authors)
- Mastiks (10 changes by 1 authors)
- Miss Grand International (10 changes by 1 authors)
The most active discussions:
A few numbers from last week:
- 383 registered users and 192 unregistered users made 3,301 edits to 1,847 articles
- Unregistered users made 507 edits to 285 articles
- 12 robots made 117 edits to 106 articles
This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.