A list of the most edited Wikipedia articles and discussions from the last week.

Delivered every Friday by email.

Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.


This week, 1,167 authors made 4,068 changes to 2,236 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

  1. Thea Jensen (79 changes by 3 authors)
  2. Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (58 changes by 10 authors)
  3. IIHF Verdensmesterskabet 2020 (44 changes by 2 authors)
  4. Vild med dans (sæson 16) (37 changes by 4 authors)
  5. Hashtag (30 changes by 11 authors)
  6. Wheatstonebro (25 changes by 1 authors)
  7. Constantijn Huygens (18 changes by 1 authors)
  8. EM i fodbold for kvinder 2021 (18 changes by 2 authors)
  9. Black Desert Online (17 changes by 6 authors)
  10. Nagdlunguaq-48 (15 changes by 1 authors)
  11. Kristian Jensen (13 changes by 4 authors)
  12. Kornmod (12 changes by 4 authors)
  13. Frederikke Hedegaard (12 changes by 3 authors)
  14. Grundlæggende SI-enheder (12 changes by 3 authors)
  15. Snabel-a (11 changes by 3 authors)
  16. Alkibiades (11 changes by 2 authors)
  17. Düsseldorf (11 changes by 2 authors)
  18. PewDiePie (11 changes by 7 authors)
  19. Lars Løkke Rasmussen (11 changes by 7 authors)
  20. Venstre (11 changes by 7 authors)

New Articles

The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week

  1. Black Desert Online (17 changes by 6 authors)
  2. Frederikke Hedegaard (12 changes by 3 authors)
  3. Troels Skjærbæk (10 changes by 5 authors)
  4. N.N. (dansk dronning 826-827) (10 changes by 1 authors)
  5. Clare Waight Keller (9 changes by 3 authors)
  6. Fægtningen ved Torsebro (8 changes by 5 authors)
  7. Jabba the Hutt (7 changes by 5 authors)
  8. Kapacity (6 changes by 5 authors)
  9. Ignacio Zaragoza (6 changes by 3 authors)
  10. Erhverv aarhus (6 changes by 3 authors)


The most active discussions:

  1. N.N. (dansk dronning 826-827)
  2. Standardmodellen
  3. Coulombs lov
  4. Forside
  5. Folketingsmedlemmer valgt i 2019


A few numbers from last week:


This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.

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