Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.
This week, 740 authors made 5,156 changes to 2,927 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:
- Kim Wall (82 changes by 16 authors)
- Christian 3. (61 changes by 4 authors)
- Peter Madsen (opfinder) (31 changes by 10 authors)
- Herrelandsholdet floorball (28 changes by 4 authors)
- Ridder- og fortjenstordener, hæderstegn og medaljer (26 changes by 3 authors)
- Påkørslen på Ramblaen i Barcelona (24 changes by 6 authors)
- Døde i 2017 (23 changes by 4 authors)
- Den Store Danske Encyklopædi (22 changes by 1 authors)
- Christian 2. (20 changes by 1 authors)
- Exodus (band) (18 changes by 2 authors)
- Vuelta a España 2017 (17 changes by 2 authors)
- Cristiano Ronaldo (16 changes by 2 authors)
- VM 2016 floorball (14 changes by 3 authors)
- Decapitated (14 changes by 3 authors)
- ELDO (13 changes by 1 authors)
- Krig (13 changes by 2 authors)
- Harry Styles (13 changes by 2 authors)
- Mads Aaquist (12 changes by 3 authors)
- Lasse Voss (12 changes by 3 authors)
- Balakovo (12 changes by 4 authors)
New Articles
The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week
- Herrelandsholdet floorball (28 changes by 4 authors)
- VM 2016 floorball (14 changes by 3 authors)
- Decapitated (14 changes by 3 authors)
- Lasse Voss (12 changes by 3 authors)
- Balakovo (12 changes by 4 authors)
- Pavol Šafranko (11 changes by 3 authors)
- Pierre Larsen (fodboldspiller, født 1959) (11 changes by 1 authors)
- Heidi Thamestrup (10 changes by 3 authors)
- Cheyenne (indfødte amerikanere) (9 changes by 2 authors)
- Hundested-Rørvig Færgefart (9 changes by 5 authors)
The most active discussions:
A few numbers from last week:
- 292 registered users and 448 unregistered users made 5,156 edits to 2,927 articles
- Unregistered users made 957 edits to 572 articles
- 6 robots made 403 edits to 372 articles
This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.