A list of the most edited Wikipedia articles and discussions from the last week.

Delivered every Friday by email.

Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.


This week, 1,141 authors made 75,411 changes to 35,495 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:

  1. Donald Trump (145 changes by 4 authors)
  2. Haskell (104 changes by 2 authors)
  3. Invasió alemanya de Bèlgica (1914) (64 changes by 2 authors)
  4. Llista de fàrmacs (63 changes by 1 authors)
  5. L'amour de loin (58 changes by 1 authors)
  6. Exèrcit Imperial Rus (57 changes by 3 authors)
  7. Tres14 (44 changes by 3 authors)
  8. Anàlisi de sentiment (42 changes by 3 authors)
  9. Pablo Molano Romero (35 changes by 3 authors)
  10. Banyuls dels Aspres (32 changes by 1 authors)
  11. Edmund Rumpler (32 changes by 3 authors)
  12. Paleolític (32 changes by 6 authors)
  13. Minecraft (31 changes by 6 authors)
  14. Sentmenat (31 changes by 8 authors)
  15. Fraternitats i sororitats (29 changes by 1 authors)
  16. L'Aurore et Céphale (29 changes by 2 authors)
  17. Caldes d'Estrac (29 changes by 2 authors)
  18. Parc Natural de Montserrat (26 changes by 2 authors)
  19. Unificació italiana (25 changes by 3 authors)
  20. Énée et Didon (25 changes by 2 authors)

New Articles

The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week

  1. L'amour de loin (58 changes by 1 authors)
  2. Exèrcit Imperial Rus (57 changes by 3 authors)
  3. Tres14 (44 changes by 3 authors)
  4. Anàlisi de sentiment (42 changes by 3 authors)
  5. Pablo Molano Romero (35 changes by 3 authors)
  6. Edmund Rumpler (32 changes by 3 authors)
  7. L'Aurore et Céphale (29 changes by 2 authors)
  8. Énée et Didon (25 changes by 2 authors)
  9. Gestual dels dits i de les mans (23 changes by 4 authors)
  10. Llista de biografies de Judy Garland (22 changes by 4 authors)


The most active discussions:

  1. Schwertmannita
  2. 221B Baker Street
  3. Kemal Atatürk
  4. Centre d'Estudis de Valldoreix
  5. Catalunya


A few numbers from last week:


This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.

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