Hello there! Welcome to our weekly digest of Wikipedia activity.
This week, 600 authors made 14,054 changes to 8,124 different articles. The top 20 articles for the week:
- Kawasaki Ki-61 (132 changes by 5 authors)
- Pidion haben (117 changes by 3 authors)
- Celebracions jueves (87 changes by 4 authors)
- Història dels amerindis dels Estats Units (74 changes by 3 authors)
- Havdala (57 changes by 4 authors)
- Poblat talaiòtic de s'Illot (57 changes by 2 authors)
- Avenc Montserrat Ubach (56 changes by 10 authors)
- Calígula (47 changes by 3 authors)
- Florenci Pujol i Brugat (34 changes by 6 authors)
- Operació Marge Protector (34 changes by 4 authors)
- Guerra italiana del 1521-1526 (33 changes by 2 authors)
- Gucci (26 changes by 2 authors)
- Joan Ferrer Costa (26 changes by 5 authors)
- Makiïvka (25 changes by 3 authors)
- Ger (24 changes by 3 authors)
- Jordi Pujol i Soley (24 changes by 8 authors)
- Samson et Dalila (22 changes by 1 authors)
- Vol 5017 d'Air Algérie (22 changes by 5 authors)
- Dinastia Lý (22 changes by 2 authors)
- Bandera del Tricentenari (20 changes by 5 authors)
New Articles
The ten most actively edited articles created within the last week.
- Kawasaki Ki-61 (132 changes by 5 authors)
- Pidion haben (117 changes by 3 authors)
- Història dels amerindis dels Estats Units (74 changes by 3 authors)
- Poblat talaiòtic de s'Illot (57 changes by 2 authors)
- Havdala (57 changes by 4 authors)
- Florenci Pujol i Brugat (34 changes by 6 authors)
- Guerra italiana del 1521-1526 (33 changes by 2 authors)
- Joan Ferrer Costa (26 changes by 5 authors)
- Makíïvka (25 changes by 3 authors)
- Dinastia Lý (22 changes by 2 authors)
The most active discussions:
- Avenc Montserrat Ubach
- Francesc Bofarull i Figuerola
- Segona Guerra Mundial
- Portada
- Apomys gracilirostris
A few numbers from last week:
- 384 registered users and 216 unregistered users made 14,054 edits to 8,124 articles
- Unregistered users made 396 edits to 270 articles
- 10 robots made 4,767 edits to 4,182 articles
This project retrieves a list of the week's recent changes using Wikimedia Tool Labs, and delivers emails using MailChimp. Code and more information available on GitHub. Built by Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi.